Ultrasonic inspection
Temperature inspection
Vibration analysis monitoring

LEAKSHOOTER and interferences


Dear Sir,

Ms……, the field engineer from ……. wants to check on the below technical issue with their LEAKSHOOTER V2 set.

Recently, they have done field test at site and she realised that LEAKSHOOTER V2 was affected by the sound of dried leaves.

Such that wherever there’s dried leaves, stepping on it or the movement of leaves blown by wind will create signals detectable by their LEAKSHOOTER V2.

She wants to know if this issue is common with LEAKSHOOTER V2 ? As LEAKSHOOTER V2 should not be affected by normal sound waves (non-ultrasonic waves) in such an environment.

Their LKS1000 V2 central frequency is currently set at 41.3kHz and they using it together with LKSDOME as they conducting double glazed window panels seal conditions inspection & check for their clients.

Thank you.



In certain condition, you may have ultrasonic waves made by object/wind impact or friction.

These very low ultrasonic waves will be detected by the LEAKSHOOTER if set with maximum 110 dB gain.

All ultrasonic phenomenas are detected by the LEAKSHOOTER.

Keep in mind that sometimes you may hear an audible noise, at frequencies under 20000 Hz, but combined with inaudible ultrasonic sounds.

I confirm LEAKSHOOTER LKS1000-V2 only detect sounds around 40000 Hz (ultrasonic).


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