Ultrasonic inspection
Temperature inspection
Vibration analysis monitoring

Temperature defects

Thermal camera with contour detection

Thermal contour camera

When talking about temperature defects, we all think “Easy !” with a thermal imaging camera, is it really so easy ?

Now with our brand new invention we find an other way to detect and highlight temperature issues.

Infrared camera, thermal imaging and precise contactless temperature measurement  is one of the most used equipment in preventive maintenance.

After 20 years working in maintenance industries in big plants we have seen many technician not so familiar with thermal imaging and especially thermal analyzing.

Our philosophy is to focus our developments on the technicians, and how he is used to work, what kind of information he is looking for, to make it easier quicker for him to work

and to enjoy his job using nice efficient tools !

With the TSHOOTER® we made it !


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